Wireline Logging

Comprehensive Solutions for Optimal Results


Our large fleet of logging trucks, offshore units, logging tools and pressure control equipment, provides a wide variety of open-hole and cased-hole logging services to our clients.

With a team of fully trained experts , we provide a thorough analysis of well behavior that help in optimizing lifelong production, and avoid operational interruptions.


  • Flow Diagnostics
  • Pipe/Cement Evaluation
  • Tubing and multiple casing integrity
  • Saturation Monitoring
  • Perforation
  • Mechanical services
  • TCP and Coiled Tubing perforation

Equipment & Technologies

  • Dual purpose wireline logging units with logging tools (6x6 and 6x4)
  • 10K and 5K Pressure control equipment
  • Wireline tractors
  • Array Production logging tools
  • Pulsed neutron sigma
  • Cement bond log/radial bond log
  • Ultrasonic Measurements
  • Multi-finger calliper
  • Electro-magnetic thickness
  • Thru -tubing bridge plugs
  • Non-explosive setting tools
  • Leak detection (Fiber optic)
  • Non-explosive cutters and tubing punchers
  • Non-explosive plug and packer setting tool
  • Mechanical cutters
  • Geoscience and interpretation engineering services
  • HT logging tools for geothermal wells