Tubular Running

Conventional & Automated Tubular Running Services: Safety, Reliability & Efficiency


We provide traditional Tubular Running Services (TRS) operated by highly trained personnel focused on safety, quality, efficiency, and well integrity. Our Casing Running Tool (CRT) technology enables simultaneous connection make-up, break-out, circulation, and rotation, increasing the chance of getting casing to TD safely and efficiently the first time.


  • Supplying casing and tubing equipment covering all sizes from 2 3/8” to 32”
  • Providing bucking service making up tubing hangers, float collars, and float shoes
  • Supplying casing accessories

Equipment & Technologies

  • Casing Running Tools (CRT) - SPE/IADC-189411-MS
  • Power tongs
  • Fill-up tools
  • Handling tools
  • Torque/turn monitoring system
  • Dual tubing power tongs and handling tools
  • Chrome casing/tubing handling tools
  • Hydraulic power units
  • Bucking units
  • PULD machines
  • Casing centralizers
  • Torque and drag reducers
  • Stop collars
  • Float shoes