NESR Qatar Recognized for Conducting a Successful Fishing
Aug 2019
On August 2019, NESR Qatar was recognized for conducting a
successful fishing operation via 2” Coiled Tubing. The
job was to recover a stuck bridge plug from an offshore well.
The stuck plug caused the well to remain shut-in.
The job was conducted in two runs. The first run was done
using MHA, Heavy Duty Impact Hammer, and flow release
overshot. However, the plug could not be latched. In the
second run, a modified BHA was carried out and allowed to
latch onto the plug fishing neck, but the plug remained stuck.
The NESR team then suggested flowing the well to use the fluid
velocity to help collapse the plug slips. This approach worked
and the plug was freed and brought to surface.
This operation was the first coiled tubing operation for the
client, who appreciated our achievement and recognized us for
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NESR Supervisor Awarded “Catch of The Week” Safety
Oct 2019
Scott Lamb, Coiled Tubing Field Supervisor, reported that the
lock handles of the Coiled Tubing BOP had been used as tie off
points to attach tag lines. The lock handles were secured with
grub screws that are not suitable to pull at with tag lines as
they may detach under strain. He immediately stopped the job
and conducted a review and discussion with the relevant
parties on lifting and rigging procedure. The job resumed once
mitigation actions were put in place. The client was pleased
and awarded Scott with the “Catch of The Week”
safety award.
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NESR Recognized for Participating in an Environmental Campaign
Apr 2018
Qatar Green Building Council Recognized NESR for its
participation in the "No Paper Day" campaign, which aims to
raise environmental awareness and build a more sustainable
future in Qatar. NESR's participation in the campaign
underscores the company's commitment to environmental
responsibility and positive social impact, two key pillars of
NESR's ESG strategy.