CEO’s 2021 Message

Sherif Foda Chairman of the Board & CEO

The health, safety and wellbeing of our people and operations remain my top priority, and I want to start this communication by thanking our employees worldwide for their tremendous efforts since the beginning of the year to make NESR shine wherever we operate. Our execution for our customers has been remarkable. Well done and thank you.

Over the last month, my executive team and I have been monitoring the rapid evolution of COVID-19 across the globe and in our countries of operation. I would like to update you on the actions we have taken to reduce our risk of exposure to COVID-19 and ensure our business remains resilient and sustainable.

In response to the spread of COVID-19, I have activated NESR’s Crisis Management Team (CMT) to lead our response to this pandemic. The CMT is working around the clock to make sure our people are safe, our business is resilient, and our delivery to our customers is flawless. The regional managers have also activated their Emergency Response Teams (ERT) in alignment with the CMT.

Together, the ERTs and CMT are monitoring the rapidly developing situation, analyzing facts, and implementing actions to minimize risk to our people and business. The CMT is continuously updating our website with actions undertaken - including implementing social distancing practices (e.g., telecommuting, restricting face to face meetings), improving sanitization efforts, monitoring body temperatures, and enforcing a travel ban – to safeguard our people’s health and safety.

At the same time, the CMT is working to ensure appropriate support, resources, and solutions are available to maintain our operations and minimize the spread of the virus in our workplace and communities. Our regional ERT contact persons – the list is available on our intranet and on our health application - are always available to address your needs and concerns. In addition, our health application is being updated daily with relevant information to keep our organization informed of all relevant local government processes and guidelines.

I would like to thank our employees for their flexibility and hard work during these demanding times and our customers for their partnership and trust. As someone who has spent a fair amount of time in the field, I fully recognize that field operations are challenging under normal circumstances and that the developments surrounding COVID-19 add an additional layer of complexity to the work. The management team and I have been in constant contact with our customers, who recognize that NESR has been an able and reliable partner during tough times and in many cases going above and beyond to support them. This is all due to the dedication of our people who are committed to delivering safe and top-quality services to our customers.

I hope you all remain safe and take good care of yourselves and your families.

Sherif Foda Chairman of the Board & CEO